Sunday, April 6, 2008

how do we deal with the future past and prescient

Below the line is a non- post from 6 years ago when things were beginning to not look particularly good for me personally. I was wondering what I'd do if I knew there was limited tomorrow. This was before shutting down the firm, being diagnosed with cancer or seriously practicing Zen.
Now I realize no-one gets out alive and the future is a dead/not-dead cat-in-a-box. Most of us hardly ever live in the now, we're always thinking, thinking, thinkung. We think about how the past has mede us who we are and brought us here and thats why the future will be one way or another and how we want it to be different but it probably won't be because of all that past shit. Meranwhile it is just a glorious spring day outside and I am typing on a blog.
The Mahayana school says I can't just follow the path to nirvana, I gotta take you too. Thats why I blog.
Gonzo blog of dCole aka cosmic muffin
07/25/2002 today I learned the world ends Feb 1 2019
You and I now have slightly less than seventeen years to put things in order. reported today that the first positively rated chance of a large asteroid striking earth and wiping out lifeasweknowit, (or lawki as its known in sci-fi ), may occur on Feb. 1 2019. They just discovered it and more analysis may bring down the odds, but today the chances are better than average that it will hit earth and destroy whatever continent is ground zero. In other words we know that sometime an asteroid will hit earth, it happens every million years or so. The odds of it happening next October 30th are some number “x” and the odds of it happening Feb. 1 2019 is much better than “x”.
Even if the odds are reduced by further analysis, think about what would happen if the projection becomes a forecast. Aside from the expected end of the world proselytizing from the fundies, and expected get right with god sermons from every church, synagogue, mosque and Stonehenge, what would the worlds governments do? What would you do?
After realizing that the retirement plans do not need to go beyond 2019, and that your children will likely not survive and live a full life what exactly do we do?
Would you chuck the plans for the future and live for today? Will the economy and civil society devolve slowly, quickly, or evolve into something not based on growing the future? What would that look like?
Would I work harder to build my career or chuck the job declare bankruptcy and head for the south sea beaches or what?
Its something I want to think about, so I’ve finally started my blog. Perhaps I’ll keep it up till 2019 perhaps not. There’s just so much to consider here. If the world ends in seventeen years all my seventh generation environmentalism is just so much recyclables in the landfill. In the movie Life as a House Kevin Kline finds out he’s dying and reconciles with his estranged wife and son and finally builds his dream house. Or at least he tries, his new found friends and family finish it and it’s given to someone he harmed long ago. But what if there will be no happy residents of the dream house. Will I finish my own 30-year project to turn the family’s farmstead into an estate fit for the next 150 years of gracious living? If 2020 never comes what is the point of striving for the post oil, steady state, and earth friendly civilization when we can use up the oil, despoil the planet, and add to global warming without fear of the consequences. I’ve always had a problem with my cultures short-term emphasis. I abhor capitalism's emphasis on the next quarter and damn the decade, let alone the seventh generation, orientation. I haven’t been trendy nor liked the fashion pop culture infatuation with the new since I was 15. I especially disliked the building industries increasing impermanence, where the cheapest lightest most return immediacy won out over solid architecture meant to last a century or more.

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