Friday, November 20, 2009

click on picture

So there was this punk rock guy from cleveland who went to japan to make monster movies became a zen monk and writes about it. I first read Hardcore Zen and thought enough of it that I ordered Zen, wrapped in Karma dipped in Chocolate. His blog is
Frome there you jump to his interviews of DEVO and Nina Hartley (talking zen with a porn star-yea) on the Suicide girls website, or if you want you can click here for his list on Zen books wot dot suck.

Friday, October 30, 2009

If you are facing in the right direction, all you have to do is keep on walking."--Buddhist proverb

Is this not an elegant thought? Are you/i/us facing in the right direction? If so does it matter that its a long way to go? Of course not; all there is is to first face the right direction then to walk. Nothing to avoid but turning back. Found a new buddhablog if your so inclined.
I hope this link works now.

This years gourd self portrait.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"If you only had an hour to live and could make just one phone call, who would it be to, what would you say.... and why are you waiting?"
-- Stephan Levine, Buddhist author, activist and thinker

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

mediation pavillion site option 2

Another option is to place the new pavillion across the drive from the Temple porch and create a gsarden walkway connecting the two.
Here's an animation

Meditation Pavilion site option 1

An option is shown here for the mediatation pavilion site. First right behind the temple. Convienient but it does fill up the back-yard "outdoor room" used during gatherings.


I calculated the space for between 75 up to 100 people to do meditation and I came up with a plan of 1400 to 16oo Square feet (35 or 40 feet by 40 feet).

Friday, September 4, 2009

I've got some concepts here for a new meditation pavilion for the Indiana Buddhist Temple in Hoagland.

Friday, August 14, 2009

three steps to getting around to now here.

Go to 12 best buddhist blogs at progressive buddhism

Which may lead you to open up Zen without jargon at ...

and find a trenchent instruction on controlling your mind at

Or Zazen otherwise known as "sitting in unity".

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

after a tear a smile
There is a link to the featurete from WTWTA which screened at comic-com here on the blog FILM which also ran a trailer for Spike Jones followup Everyone Poops. Is it odd that M. Sendak and comic-con show up on a blog devoted to Zen... and pie?
Am i hip and cool now that i send a blog post from my cell phone? Or is my use of those terms proof that - in fact - i'm a fogey of the old variety?

Couple interesting sites encountered today.

A discussion of buddhism being "secularized" or is it not a religion to begin with, here by geek buddhist. Thats from the one city blog on beliefnet. Where I couldn't resist reading 5 reasons my dharma is better than yours.

Which leads to the podcast Buddhist geeks.

And then Elephant Jounal, a leed consulting fim down GA way called Energy Ace, and I don't know why but microsoft typology.

Finally - Spike Jones the film-maker has a website we love you so where he talks about film kids and his upcoming Where the Wild Things Are. I first saw the teaser trailer over a month ago and every time I watch it or the theatrical trailer it wrings out a tear. I know I have am emotional attachment to the material, (man do i - i had no idea), but I think its a near perfect editing of images and text set to music that just shouts " I have got to see this movie".

Monday, April 20, 2009

a good place to lose time is alltop an aggregator of feeds. It leads to the moere tech savvy sites but will reward you with something interesting and as its keyword and catagory oriented its smarter than just googling a term and more likely to give yoy relevant up to date stories.
my page is at

Friday, February 20, 2009

The zen group was talking about facebook and such places and what sort of avatar or image one would use to represent isself - mine is the self prortrait in gourd, being a jack-o-lantern carved in 01 or 02 during the annual fall cole-waldschmidt-easterday barn party. The image came from a stencil making software program called " Me-on-a-pumpkin". Go to to see it. And here's the family portrait with Andi, James and Arrow the Dog.

Family in Vegitable art.